Free Classes
The foundry offers informal (free) classes designed to help people study and grow in their understanding of the foundational, saving truths presented in the Bible. Classes are held in Plettenberg Bay and they cover lessons found in (FOF) Fundamentals of the Faith by Grace Community Church.
The Bible
The Bible is the foundation of all that we believe and teach. It is the inerrant, infallible, sufficient Word of God. See 2 Tim 3:16–17. To learn more about what we believe, please request our statement of faith.
Course Content
Classes usually run for 6 weeks (meeting once per week) and covers the fundamentals of the Christians faith.
With topics ranging from the character of God to church participation,
it is an ideal study for discipling new believers or returning to the basics of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
The classes are open to everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike.
If you have questions about Christianity, this is a great place to start.
Class Registeration
Register your interest in the Foundry and we will notify you when the next class begins.
Thank you for completing the form.
We will be in contact with you soon.
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