Plett Bible Foundry at Grace Church - Plettenberg Bay

Sunday Fellowship @ 9:30AM
Sunday Service @ 10AM

Free Classes

The foundry offers informal (free) classes designed to help people study and grow in their understanding of the foundational, saving truths presented in the Bible. Classes are held in Plettenberg Bay and they cover lessons found in (FOF) Fundamentals of the Faith by Grace Community Church.

The Bible

The Bible is the foundation of all that we believe and teach. It is the inerrant, infallible, sufficient Word of God. See 2 Tim 3:16–17. To learn more about what we believe, please request our statement of faith.

Course Content

Classes usually run for 6 weeks (meeting once per week) and covers the fundamentals of the Christians faith. With topics ranging from the character of God to church participation, it is an ideal study for discipling new believers or returning to the basics of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

The classes are open to everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike. If you have questions about Christianity, this is a great place to start.


Fundamentals of the Faith is absolutely critical for those who are unbelievers looking to explore Biblical truth, those new to the faith or unsure about the basics of the Christian faith. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet with a small group of people and be guided through the truths of the Bible.
Michael Dennis

Most would agree that when building a house, having the foundations rightly secured is crucial; whatever is built on top of would otherwise be wobbly. Regardless of where you are in your Christian what the Fundamentals of the Faith course will enable you to have a solid foundational knowledge of the Bible and the Christian Faith. ...It is not only going to give you the basic tenets of the Christian faith, it will also develop your convictions in what you believe. I know of no better person than Yorke to lead you in this process. The Lord has uniquely gifted him to teach and he practices what he preaches. Join the journey at the Plett Bible Foundry. Read more
Faly Ravoahangy

Personally we as a family are so excited about Yorke and Angel reaching out to Plett. If you are thinking about doing the FOF with Yorke, trust me, you will be blessed. It is a well-drafted and condensed overview of the most important things a believer should know about the faith and the Scriptures. ...As the name implies, you will be taught the basics of what every Christian should know. Not only will this inform and strengthen your own walk with the Lord, but it will also enable you to help others with the questions they might have about the Bible. A must for every person who seeks a thorough grounding in the faith. Go ahead and sign up. Read more
Lonngren Taljaard

I highly recommend the Fundamentals of the Faith material. This is a basic tool for discipleship. All that a new convert need to know in order to be grounded in the truth of the word of God is provided in the FOF. The lessons were helpful to me spiritually when I took them for the first time, twenty-two years ago. ...I taught them to our local church and they appreciated the simplicity and the activity that led them read the Bible more than ever before in their Christian walk. Students use this material in their first semester, Introduction to Theology as their foundational tool for teaching others and it is helpful. Read more
Charlie Rampfumedzi

I would absolutely recommend Fundamentals of the Faith for any believer at any stage in their walk with the Lord. The classes not only cover the fundamentals but the teachers are always happy to answer any questions one might pose regarding scripture. 10/10.
Alexi Flynn

Fundamentals of the faith, is more than just the basics of the Christian life. This was my first experience to sound theology. It was foundational in building a biblical worldview. The material is well laid out and has sufficient theology to feed even the most seasoned pastor. This is a necessary resource which I will commend to anyone. ...I am confident that it will be a tremendous blessing to all who are going to join this study. This resource has become an integral part of our church life, so much so that it has been intergrated into our membership program. Yorke and Angel are faithful servants of the Lord, I am exited that they are starting up this vital resource on the Garden Route. Read more
Denver Solomon

FOF exists to teach the foundational doctrines of scripture. It is for new believers, evangelists and those seeking a starting point to know the basics of the Christian faith so they may be equipped for ministry. At Grace Community Church, FOF is typically composed of 13 lessons and taught for the period of 22 weeks. ...The first few weeks focus on teaching the members of our class the basics of how to understand, study and interpret the Bible. In the later weeks, we build on the student's understanding of the bible to come to know who God says He is in His Word. We finish the class with helping our students know what God's will for the church is and what the response of a Christian should be to all they have learned. Finally, we return the members of our class back to their church groups better equipped to "correctly handle the word of truth" as 2 Timothy 2:15 says. Read more
Alex Touchstone

We live in a day whereby truth has been obscured. A day where truth has become relative. A day where you can search for millions of opinions online but still not find the truth that you are searching for: What happens when we die? Does God exist? If He does, who is He and what is He like? ...God’s truth will provide you with the conviction needed to have true joy even in the midst of suffering and true joy will provide you with hope even in a world of despair. Yet, hope cannot come without joy and joy cannot come without truth. Utilize your time wisely by hearing what God has to say through His Word in the Fundamentals of the Faith course, you won’t regret it. How do I understand the current chaos and evil we see daily in our world? I am suffering, what do I do? The Bible has those answers and has had them for about 2000 years now. Truth is available to you today and one way that can help you understand that truth in the Bible is through the Fundamentals of the Faith course. Having taught the course myself, I can vouch for its integrity in presenting the truth of God’s Word in a format that is applicable to daily life. Having worked alongside Yorke, I can vouch for his faithfulness in presenting the truth in an understanding way. Read more
Franco Brits

Fundamentals of the Faith was the tool God used to make me understand I never knew Him... by lesson #3 or #4 (I don't remember), during class, God revealed Himself and I felt so ashamed for not knowing Him and thinking I did... but in His Mercy and Divine Providence, I also learned about Salvation and Justification, and Prayer and everything every Christian needs to know, in order to keep studying God's Word and growing in Him in the Love of Jesus Christ. ...It is Christianity 101... and an amazing Evangelization tool. I am so thankful for this Ministry and I will always encourage my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to take FOF, once or even twice! 2 Timothy 3:16 is the Bible Verse that changed my life... God, mercifully put in my heart, the desire to get taught, trained, corrected... and I kept attending FOF until the very end... and then, I started classes for Biblical Counseling, by recommendation of my FOF Teacher... - "All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16 Read more
Marla Green

Christians have been commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit; that is, to have Him control and influence every aspect of our lives. How are Christians to fulfill and obey a passive command? The answer is simple: let the Word of Christ richly dwell in you. It is the Scripture that the Holy Spirit uses as the fuel by which to motivate us to love and good deeds. This is why I love the Fundamentals of the Faith material. ...In 13 lessons you get the necessary framework and biblical categories by which to be richly filled with grace, truth, and love. As a pastor, it is my privilege to see people from all walks of life growing in understanding the Bible through the systematic study that Fundamentals of the Faith provides. I would encourage anyone desiring to grow in understanding the revealed Word to regularly study through the Fundamentals of the Faith and to share it with others. Read more
Joey DeRuntz

As new believers who have come to faith in Christ, it is of the upmost importance to establish a solid biblical foundation. Fundamentals of the Faith is an excellent tool that has been created in order to provide this biblical foundation for the new believer and also the not so new believers who never had a biblical foundation built. ...The material covered in this biblical study will allow all who partake in this journey to follow the proper biblical steps that will lead to fruitful Christian living. The greatest asset to any believer of Christ is to know Him and with the Fundamental of the Faith study program each pupil will be exposed to biblical doctrine and theological truths that will shape the believer into Christ likeness by fully understanding what true Christian Faith looks like. Read more
Louis Bell

I took the Fundamentals of the Faith class with my mom and Aunt back in 2017 and we really enjoyed it. I have learned about how to be a real Christian and have also met a lot of wonderful people. The class helped me understand what having faith in Jesus means. I am really grateful for my teachers and praise God that my mom understood salvation through the class.
Hannah Joy Zulueta

God's sovereignty in events is everywhere. Usually His purposes and means are imperceptible to us, for now, but sometimes we can see His guiding hand almost as an event is happening. Three years ago I asked someone who worked at Grace Church when the next Fundamentals of the Faith class would start up, and he said they begin only a few times a year but that coincidentally one was starting that morning, in two minutes, and if I hurried to the library basement I'd be able to join. ...That first day began a class that would last almost half a year. It would mark the beginning of my getting more involved in my church, and what I believe has been a better walk with the Lord. The class was taught by Yorke (you may be familiar with the name) and Franco. The two of them gave the sense (Nehemiah 8:8) to the Word. I'm profoundly thankful to the Lord for Yorke's friendship. I would not know Yorke and his wife, Angel, if it were not for this class. I was raised in a good, Christian home, but even concepts and doctrines that were intellectually familiar to me were spiritually renewed in this class. There, you remember it's a joy and privilege being able to study the Word with other believers, and talking about simple concepts together helps articulate the meanings to ourselves again. The class is not meant to be a substitute for daily Bible reading and a solid walk, but for both a new believer looking to understand doctrines or a long-time believer who would benefit from going over the basics again, it's terrific. The key is to never do the work out of a sense of school but recall you're there for the spiritual growth of yourself and others. Remember "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). Something more than intellectual training is required: our heart must be right as well as our head. Search your heart before every class and get right with God, and pray that you might help others in the class. That's something I wish I had done. Attack the discussions with a spirit of sincerity and you may find the Lord convicting your conscious, opening your heart, and having earnest talks with strangers about how you could both love the Lord better. The class can be a great vehicle for the scripture's instruction in righteousness. Read more
Conrad Flynn

FOF was a very helpful and foundational course to study the essentials of the Christian faith. The class was engaging and provided discussion for people at all points in their Christian walk. I would highly recommend FOF for all people and see this as a great tool for the church in the years to come!
Tim Wilson

FoF was a great way to make sure your foundation isn’t on anything fleshy or sinking sand. Fof was a great way to ask questions of anything and everything regarding our faith. I definitely recommend it for any new born or even anyone that would like to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
George Helou

If you want to fortify your faith, take FOF. If you want to bolster your understanding of Scripture, take FOF. If you want to grow in your love of God's Word, take FOF. I could hardly think of a better way to mature as a believer and to understand the essential doctrines of Christianity than to take FOF. It's an investment, certainly, but the dividends it pays are eternal.
Jeremiah Dennis

I took an FOF class a year ago, and It gave me a solid theological foundation for my personal walk with the Lord. Through 6 weeks of FOF, I have grown so such in my knowledge and personal holiness. Yorke and Angels are both faithful servants of God, and Yorke is a solid teacher. Please join the class if you can, and it will be a huge blessing to you.
Dat Nguyen